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Can Dogs Get Motion Sickness in a Moving Vehicle?

  • 03/07/2013

Q: My dog seems to hate the car. Could it be possible that he suffers from Motion Sickness?

A: Since quite a few canines suffer from this condition it may well be the case. Does your dog show any of the following symptoms?

When the vehicle starts moving

  • Panting
  • Drooling
  • Nervousness
  • Jumping about
  • Signs of restlessness
  • Whinnying
  • Japping
  • Looking very unhappy

Before entering the vehicle

  • Fear of getting into the car
  • Running away when asked to get into car
  • Avoiding the car altogether
  • Unwillingness to even get into the garage

Q: Will the condition improve over time?

A: This is not very likely. As your dog feels sick every time he gets into the car the car becomes associated with the feeling of sickness. This again makes it an adverse stimulus which needs to be avoided. How would you feel if you felt sick and ill every time you were taken for a ride?

Q: What causes Motion Sickness?

A: Motion sickness is caused by a disturbance of the nervous system, mainly the organ of equilibrium in the inner ear. This organ is responsible for keeping the body balanced - nausea is the no 1 symptom of a disturbed balance organ. This means that your dog's body has a hard time adjusting to the ups and downs as well as all the vibrations caused by the car's motions and your dog experiences nausea symptoms just like a human being would.

Q: But what can I do to help my dog?

A: In my practice I found three approaches to be very helpful.

  1. EFT Tapping for the issue of motion sickness relieves your dog of the unwanted and unpleasant feelings such a fear and helplessness. Using surrogate tapping you can help him overcome the symptoms of nausea.
  2. NMT Neuro-Modulation Technique can change the informational basis of the balance organ's "disturbance" helping your dog's body to process the motion stimuli in a more effective way.
  3. Homeopathic treatments offered by holistic vets may help calm your dog's stomach and change his overall reactions to the motions of the car.

No matter which approach you use you need to adjust your driving style to your dog's sensitivity. Racing around corners, going fast and slamming on the brakes will give him a very hard time. Should your pooch show symptoms of discomfort in the car you need to have the car's suspension and shock absorbers checked because they maybe worn causing undue motions and a needless rocky ride.

As a loving and dedicated dog owner you aspire to do what ever you can to make your four legged friend happy.

Protecting him from harm, providing the best possible nourishment and life style as well as educating him well are important for his overall well being.

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Comments (1)

Said this on 01/08/2013 At 12:12 pm

Hi, here at Husse, we have had great success with our Herbal calmer for motion sickness - Kalm. A couple of drops on the dog's tongue or in his last meal about 45 mins before journey) takes away the "nervous" constituent of the behaviour. Totally natural - Main ingredient - St John's Wort.

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