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Advantages Of Changing To Raw Dog Food

  • 03/02/2011

Although animals have thrived for centuries on natural food, many pet owners have continued to give them cooked foods. Actually if you examine the situation carefully, you will note that none of these animals can be able to prepare their food the way we do. Therefore, their bodies must be adapted on taking the food in its raw state. People are now realizing that raw dog food is one of the best ways to keep your treasured pet healthy.

If this is not reason enough to make you switch, then you should consider other issues. For instance, making the switch eliminates the hassle of preparing the food. Since you do not need to cook anything, you just need to cut up the meat and mix with some vegetables and the meal is ready. Remember to chop the bones as well other ingredients to smaller pieces to prevent choking.

Another benefit of switching is the reduction in the amount of stool the dog passes. This will also improve the smell compared to when it was taking other diets. You can actually determine what the animal need from the stool. When it is too soft, you might need to add some more bones and if it is very hard, some more vegetables will be great.

One of the benefits that many people do not know can be derived from this diet is whiter and stronger teeth. The pets breath will also improve compared to when it consumes a commercial diet. This happens due to the enzymes present in the natural foods and also the reduced number of toxins. Bad breath results from such toxins getting stuck in between teeth.

There is also the advantage of having fewer supplies for the animals meals. This is a great thing especially when people are searching for every way to reduce their expenditure. You can only know the exact value of this when you change.

Apart from the direct benefits, there are also other indirect advantages that one will enjoy. For instance, any wounds suffered will heal faster while allergies will clear quickly. The fur coat is also shiny and dog will have more stamina and feel energetic. All these can translate to fewer visits to the vet, which is also a great thing.

In addition to the foods you prepare for your pet, there are other sources that may come up. For instance, when walking the dog, you might notice it trying to munch on the grass on the lawn. This does not mean that it is not well-fed, rather it presents a nice chance for the canine to clear its colon of unprocessed foods in the digestive canal.

Although raw dog food presents all these advantages, you should not make the change haphazardly. You should note that there some issues to expect and therefore prepare to deal with them. For instance, the stool change detailed earlier will occur. If the animal is older and has only been fed a commercial diet, it will undergo a detoxification period. This might manifest in form of runny eyes and mucus coatings on the stool. However, these are minor issues which can be solved easily.

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