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10 Interesting Facts About Dogs

  • 09/12/2011

I have to admit that dogs are the most amazing creatures on earth. I have observed many interesting things and facts about dogs over the years. All these years, I have never failed to own one. With my experience, I can definitely say that it is no wonder that they are man's best friend.

I would like to share some interesting facts about dogs. Here are some of them:

1. Dogs are known for their strong sense of smell. There are about 125-220 million of the dogs' cells devoted to smelling. That should be about 25 times stronger than the human smell. It is no wonder they can sense when there is a person approaching.

2. Native to Australia, these wild dogs were introduced to the continent a thousand years ago. So they really are not really native to the country.

3. Although dogs do not have a sense of time, they have an excellent sense of relation in time. They are aware when it is time to eat and go for a walk. They even know when you are going home. With this in mind, keeping a schedule is good, but not to the extent that it overexcites them.

4. Do not be surprised when a dog shakes their toy. This is just their animal instinct for hunting and killing. Burying their bones and treats is just part of their survival instincts to save food. You would definitely notice this gesture a lot. Observe your pet dog and you would see this happening.

5. The age old anecdote of dogs chasing the mailman has a scientific explanation - they chase people because they think they have been successful at before. When a car passes by them, they chase it thinking that they are driving it away.

6. You may notice a dog circling before lying down. This is a natural thing from a dog that they got from their wild ancestors. Ancient wild dogs before lying down will first flatten the grass so that they have a convenient place to sleep in or lie down on. They also do it to remove pests that are in the grass.

7. In training puppies, they must be with their litter for the first eight weeks. It should learn to get along with the other puppies. Do not include the most dominant pup in the litter because it is harder to train a puppy that considers itself the leader.

8. Dogs have been a part of almost all literature of the world. They have appeared literature from the Egyptians to the Bible.

9. Laika was Russian dog who became the first earthling in outer space. This happened back in 1957.

10. The fastest breed of dog is the Greyhound with speeds of up to 45 miles an hour.

These are just some of the facts that make dogs special from other animals. There are still many facts about them you can find in the Internet. Learn more about them and understand your pet even better.

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