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American Cocker Spaniel - Dog Breeds

  • 25/10/2010

The American Cocker Spaniel, usually just known as Cocker Spaniel (despite its British origins) is a small and playful dog suited for families. An English breed of this dog still exists as well, with slightly different characteristics. It was originally brought to America and Canada in the late 1800s. In the early 1900s American Cocker Spaniels were given their own AKC Stud Book and by 1946 the two breeds, American and English, were separated. It is also thought to have originated from Spain. American Cocker Spaniels were originally used to chase out birds and other smaller prey from the forest so that their masters could shoot them, but they are rarely used for such activities nowadays due to their otherwise gentle nature. The American Cocker Spaniel is part of the sporting breeds, and they are the smallest in this group. Though they can sometimes be aggressive towards other dog breeds they are in no way a violent race of dogs, and are both easy to train, intelligent, and playful. They get along nicely with children of varied ages.

American Cocker Spaniels weigh an average of 18 to 28 pounds (6 to 9 kg), and are usually 14-15 inches long. The colour of their fur-coat can vary much and they are divided further into different groups with their colours in mind, both single colours and multiple colours on each dog is common. The norms are black, buff, or chocolate, but other streaks of colours can occur. They are easy to train, but do not do well with rough or harsh training.

The American Cocker Spaniel is in general a dignified and pretty dog, with a relatively long wavy fur-coat, silky ears and an expression filled with innocence. They are devoted, playful, filled with energy and affection. The perfect Cocker temperament is happy, outgoing, and eager to please everyone. When American Cocker Spaniels are happy they tend to wag not only their tail but also their entire back-end, which is something that no other dog breeds normally do. They are well-suited for both newcomers to the art of dog-owning and veterans. They can however sometimes get a bit too devoted and attention-craving, so having a lot of time to spend on a dog of this breed is a plus. The lifespan of a Cocker Spaniel is around 10-14 years, and common health issues include PRS. HD, cataracts, autoimmune problems, skin conditions, separation anxiety and epilepsy. Ear infections are also quite common.

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