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Akita Puppies Simple Training Tips

  • 25/10/2010

If you are considering getting a new dog and have been leaning toward Akita puppies then you are looking at a breed of power, alertness and courage. The Akita breed was originally Japanese and has been pure and unchanged for centuries. They were owned by the aristocrats and nobles of the time and have been a great asset to the dog world ever since as a faithful companion, guard dog and friend.

The Akita is a highly intelligent breed of dog and will be attentive and responsive when you begin training, though due to their innate dominant natures it is essential that you establish yourself as the pack leader and gain their respect early on. Many characteristics of puppies that we see as 'cute' and normal can cause problems when applied to Akita puppies as they can encourage dominance and become a problem when they reach full size. For example, tug-of-war is a puppies way of establishing that it can use force and its teeth to take something it wants from you. Akita puppies need to begin training at a young age and socialization and obedience are of key importance. Akita puppies respond very well to care, kindness and patience and you and are not inclined to respond at all to harsh treatment and strong, insensitive training methods. The basic idea when training Akita puppies is to be firm but kind to gain the optimum results.

The basics of puppy training apply to Akita puppies. You will want to begin with some simple house training and obedience such as house breaking, come, sit and stay commands, being gentle with its mouth and learning to share. Akita puppies will carry the characteristic of cleanliness and they prefer being clean than dirty so will not be difficult to house break.

The simple training techniques of walking on the leash, sit, stay, come and leave should all be worked on regularly as part of a daily routine from as early as possible right up until your puppy is 4-6 months old. As they are approaching a more mature age you will want to be incorporating more advanced training techniques into your schedule and strictly set out rules and guidelines that you, as well as your dog, must adhere to.

Akita puppies require a lot of love and play as they are easily bored if left alone for periods of time. Try to incorporate sessions into your daily routine and get your puppy accustomed to many different situations and people. Socialization is very important as Akitas are bred as guard dogs and will cause a problem later in life if they are not trained from an early age to respect you, as well as other people, and not to be aggressive or dominant around your family and friends.

Akita puppies are loving and playful, and you will find that as you go through your training sessions you will both gain so much enjoyment and quality time together that you will have an adoring friend for life.

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