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Akita - Facts You Must Know Before Adopting An Akita

  • 26/11/2010


The typical Akita has a waterproof, double coat. Their outer coat is rough, straight, and stands a little off the body. The undercoat is soft, dense, and is close to the body. The hair on their head, legs, ears are short, with long and profuse hair on their tails. The Akita's coat is pure white, brindle, red, and sesame.


The Akita does not require too much exercise. They enjoy playing with families, and may become bored and vicious when left alone for a long time. They need regular walks daily to keep them physically and mentally happy, keeping in mind that they should be kept on a leash at all times, and be sustained from encountering other dogs. High-level activity is not recommended until they reach 3 years of age for they might damage their joints and connective tissues.


Akitas are intelligent, courageous, and spontaneous. They do best with constant human companionship. Akitas should not be left alone for long periods of time. They are aggressive, and exceedingly protective. Known to be docile and unpredictable when untrained, their domineering attitude is not suited for submissive owners. Families with young children should know that Akitas get along with very well-behaved older children, but are intolerant of the children they do not know. If not socialized, some Akitas may become erratic when teased, and may even bite.


The Akita is sturdy, large, and muscular. Their paws are webbed, making them great swimmers. They are sharp, quick, and brave. Akitas are noble, dominant, reserved, and carry themselves with great dignity.


The typical Akita requires grooming with firm bristle brush daily. Regular brushing prevents matting, and may reduce shedding. Bathing removes the coat's natural waterproofing, so bathe them only when necessary. Mild shampoo should be used to prevent stripping their coat of the natural oils. Owners should keep the hair under the paws trimmed to sustain the characteristic of their webbed feet.

Their average life expectancy is 10-12 years. They are susceptible to hip dysplasia, immune and thyroid diseases. Eye, skin, and knee problems are also prevalent in some. Akitas are said to have low platelet count, making them prone to Lyme disease. Akitas should be well cared for, with regular visits to a veterinarian.


Akitas have very high energy. They are very powerful, protective, and reserved. This type of breed is to be socialized outside of the family at an early age. They are known to be aggressive with other dogs, and should have obedience training at the earliest. Firm training and early socialization should make Akitas gentle and loving as with any other breed.


The Akita is silent, reserved, and dominant. They are unpredictable when untrained, but are loyal and loving with family when handled properly.

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