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Affenpinschers - You Might Have Never Heard of These Little Dogs - But You Have Seen One

  • 25/10/2010

Affenpinschers are small dogs with big personalities. They can be loyal family members that get along well with children and other pets if treated gently and socialized early. But they are difficult to train, determined and completely fearless.

They can be snippy with strangers and a bit yappy -- making them poor choices for intercity apartments.

Appearance of an Affenpinscher

Along with chihuahuas,these are the dogs that you most commonly see in pictures on the internet of "Ugly Dogs." Not that everyone will think they are -- but they do have some characteristic looks that make them a bit less attractive than other pooches.

Their short, stiff, wiry coat is dense and, no matter how much grooming you do, always seems to look a mess. It's also longer -- and unfortunately, shaggier -- around the face, on the legs and under the chest.

Their colors range from black, silver and grey to red and tan. Two color Affenpinschers are common.

They also have bulging eyes like a chihuahua or toy spaniel and a mouth that never quit closes in the front, giving them a look of having a constant scowl or underbite.

The typical Affenpinscher stands a whopping 9 to 11 inches tall and weighs 9 - 10 pounds. Their life span is usually 14 - 16 years.

Grooming and Exercise Needs for an Affenpinscher

Good luck. As stated above, almost nothing you do will make a noticeable difference in you Affenpinscher's appearance. On the plus side, that makes them incredibly low-maintenance. A quick brushing every week or so and an at-home trim every few months is usually enough.

As for exercise, a few short daily walks around the block or through the park is sufficient.

Origins of the Affenpinscher

The Affenpinscher first appeared in 17th-century Europe as a hunter of rodents. It's not known exactly where it came from, but it's name, which is German for "monkey terrier", gives us some idea.

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