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Adopt a Bull Mastiff Today - Or Hate Yourself Later

  • 31/10/2010

Originally bred in the 1800s by English Gamekeepers to keep poachers away especially at night, the Bull Mastiff is one of the best guard dogs in the world. The Bull Mastiff is a 40% English Bulldog and 60% English Mastiff crossbreed, which are known for its tenacity, agility, loyalty, strength and massive size. If you've just moved into a new neighborhood and you're thinking of adopting a dog to keep bad guys away, here are 10 reasons why a Bull Mastiff can be your best choice:

1) Protective in Nature - The Bull Mastiff dogs are devoted and protective of their master and family. As such, they can be defensive when they feel that a person or another animal is a threat. Although the Bull Mastiff rarely attacks immediately, they would place themselves in between their master and the stranger or pin the intruder down to the ground.

2) Enormous Size - A female Bull Mastiff can weigh up to 120 pounds, while the males are capable of growing up to 140 pounds, making it easy for them to knock down human adults.

3) Alert Guard Dogs - A Bull Mastiff is energetic and alert, but does not bark frequently. However, if they feel the need to bark, especially when strangers or other unfamiliar animals are around, their dark and hollow bark can frighten the intruder away.

4) Harmless - The Bull Mastiff is gentle with children. However, since they are not aware of their massive size, the Bull Mastiff may accidentally knock a small child down. Under normal circumstances, a Bull Mastiff is harmless even if it attacks because they pin an intruder down instead of biting.

5) Reliable "Man's Best Friend" - A Bull Mastiff needs human companionship. As such, he can be very attached to its master and family, making it easier for them to live indoors.

6) Gentle With Children - The Bull Mastiff is gentle to those they know. They also treat children as puppies, making it possible to leave a child with this large dog.

7) Friendly with other animals - If socialized early, a Bull Mastiff will have no problems getting along with other dogs or animals in the household.

8) Obedient - A Bull Mastiff can be trained easily. Once the master asserts his authority, the Mastiff can be extremely sensitive to his or her voice.

9) Fearless - When they feel threatened, Bull Mastiffs can become fearless and protect its territory and family.

10) Good Looking - Unique to the Bull Mastiff is the black muzzle that tones off toward his eyes as well as the dark markings around the eyes, which give these dogs a one-of-a-kind expression.

If you just moved into a new neighborhood, adopting a Bull Mastiff can be your best plan to protect your home from intruders. Adopt a Bull Mastiff today, or hate yourself later when your house has been robbed or trashed. Prevent this from happening by making the Bull Mastiff your home's most reliable guardian.

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