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About Shih Tzu Problem Behaviours

  • 24/11/2010

Making sure that you jump into action at the first sign of your dog displaying Shih Tzu problem behaviors is essential in maintaining your position of leader in the eyes of your dog. Allowing the behavior to continue can only cause more problems to arise and make for a hard time in retraining your Shih Tzu. Not only is it important to take action fast for reasons of retraining, but there are also safety issues at hand.

Your Shih Tzu, while tiny, still packs a mighty bite and can do a lot of damage if allowed to get out of control. At the first sign of your Shih Tzu having bad behavior, there is a chance that they will harm your personal belongings or even cause harm to other people around them. Not only does the damage left behind from an unruly Shih Tzu cause heartache, it can also cause damage that can not be fixed and lives can be disrupted by this behavior.

It is important to diagnose possible Shih Tzu problem behaviors before they even arise. And although they may never come up, it is vital that you know a few of the problems that always seem to come up with Shih Tzus. While these problems appear on the surface to be innocent enough, if left alone, they can turn into so much more. One of the most talked about problems that owners have is that their Shih Tzu wants to always jump up onto company.

And while that may be okay in some cases, if your Shih Tzu jumps up onto a small toddler, they can cause that small child to fall onto the floor with the Shih Tzu jumping on top. This can lead to many different injuries including scratches and bumps to the head of the toddler. This behavior must be stopped right away as it can turn into a game of who can get whom with your dog.

Have you ever seen a dog walk their owner? It happens all the time as more and more owners report that their tiny dog is dragging them all over town or the park. This often becomes a Shih Tzu problem behavior with inexperienced owners. The dog that pulls or tugs at their leash is simply trying to walk you and you show you where to go. Remember, that dogs are pack animals and in their minds, there is one pack leader. If you are not taking that role, they will assume it and take control of you and your home.

The reason why Shih Tzu problem behaviors like leash pulling must be stopped is for their safety and for control over your dog. You are the pack leader and that is what has to be seen through the eyes of your dog. Generally, dogs that break free when pulling on a lease are lost for good or hit by a passing car. For their protection and to prevent more behavior problems from arising, it is vital to put an end to this behavior right away.

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