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A Miniature Schnauzer Has Personality

  • 23/11/2010

The miniature Schnauzer is a much loved dog amongst people. These dogs are not like other small dogs that tend to bark a whole lot, such as the Chihuahua. Though every dog has their own special personality but, miniature schnauzers seem to be a lot more calm compared to the average tiny pup. These dogs do like to bark though, just like any other dog, but the only thing different is that they are able to be trained to where overall they have a great amount of patience, and on command they won't bark much.

These lovely dogs have lots of energy and if adopted while they are puppies they can become very affectionate and loving towards their owners. When you adopt an adult miniature schnauzer, it would take it a bit of time for him to get used to you if they were with their last owners since they were a puppy. Don't worry though, because if you plan on adopting an adult miniature schnauzer, they will warm up to you in no time, as long as you are kind, gentle, and patient with them. Did you know that too much neglect to these dogs can actually cause them to get sick? So if you plan on owning one of these dogs then you need to have a good amount of time on your hands to be able to spend time with them.

Miniature Schnauzers love to be out in the open, going on walks to the park and possibly around other friendly dogs. They like to be snuggled up next to their owner either on a bed or on a couch. This is defiantly one of those kinds of dogs to adopt if you absolutely love animals. One thing that you should know about these dogs is that if you have small pets such as rodents, Gerbils, or Hamsters, then you should reconsider adopting a Miniature Schnauzer, because their personalities are much like cats who like to chase small animals and kill them. For other big pets that you might have in your home such as other dogs and cats, you must gradually introduce them to the Miniature Schnauzer, because they might be a little shy or skittish towards them at first. The Miniature Schnauzer might also be a bit territorial if you adopted him from a previous owner that had him as the only pet.

I wouldn't worry too much about the Schnauzer being too territorial because as mentioned before, they get along well with other animals well besides small furry animals. They really like to play around so it would be good for you to have a second dog for him/her to be affectionate or best buddies with. Be sure to get them spayed and neutered if you plan on having dogs of the opposite sex, unless you don't mind breeding them. Remember that this breed can get very sad if enough attention is not given to them because they are a breed that loves attention and affection; it's in their genetic makeup. I would advice you to get a second dog if you know you can give him attention but not sure if you can give him quite as much as he needs.

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