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A Look At Shih Tzu Cuts

  • 24/11/2010

People just love to give interesting Shih Tzu cuts to their dogs that look great to them but may not represent the dog at all. Your Shih Tzu has a personality of its own and the haircut you give your dog should represent its personality more than it should represent yours. Shih Tzu dogs are extremely smart and know when they feel good about themselves so give your dog a chance with a hair cut that represents it.

A Shih Tzu dog's health is just as important as a cute haircut, probably more important, so you need to follow some basic grooming rules when planning the Shih Tzu cut. Keep the hair out of the eyes of your dog, as hair in the eyes is annoying for the dog and can cause infection. Keep the hair short in summer and long in winter to protect them from any unhealthy exposure to the elements of the season.

The Internet has changed the world and has put information from all corners of the globe at your fingertips. You can use this resource to check out the websites of regular Shih Tzu owners to see what kind of Shih Tzu cuts they are giving their dogs and get yourself some ideas. Another great source is the websites of professional groomers. Not only will you find some great ideas, but you may also be able to find a professional that can work on your dog for you.

Really plan your Shih Tzu cut out because as much as you may think you know what you want it may look totally different on your dog. There may be pictures on the Internet that have dogs similar to yours that you can use to get an idea of how it will look from. Remember that your dog has to live with your bad hair cut idea for a while so take your time.

Did you know that your Shih Tzu dog's coat is made up of hair like a human instead of fur like any other breed of dog? This is way Shih Tzu cuts are so popular. The reason you may want to consider blow-drying your dog's hair is to prevent matting and clumping. Just start at the back of your dog with low heat and move towards the front. Always brush the areas you are drying to prevent matting, as this is unhealthy for your dog.

It is very difficult to sometimes admit that someone else can do a better job than we can and it can also be difficult to have to pay that person to do the job. But when it comes to your Shih Tzu cut you may want to consider a professional. A professional will take great care of your dog and even have some very good ideas for your Shih Tzu cut that you may have never thought of. Plus your dog would probably love being pampered once a month.

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