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8 Guaranteed "Fool-Proof" Ways For Training Boxer Dogs!

  • 31/10/2010

Yes! It's true, these ways are guaranteed to work, and they don't involve jumping through hoops or thousands of dollars either. Amazing isn't it? People spend thousands and thousands of dollars each year on fancy classes, videos, books, etc. While they're all great resources, I find it interesting that the absolutely guaranteed, fool-proof methods cost little to nothing, and are very simple to implement! Here are the for-sure, never-fail ways for training boxer dogs:

1. First, Check Your Own Behavior. Isn't it hilarious that the number one, most important "secret" is to train ourselves first? Hah! Sounds funny, but it's 100% true though, and must be taken completely seriously. To begin to train our beloved boxers properly we must first be sure to stay positive and maintain a calm energy that will capture their respect, and therefore cause them to reciprocate in kind.

Therefore, park it in the Zen zone! Absolutely NO hitting, yelling or kicking your boxer. I am scolding you now - there is absolutely no flexibility on this :-). NO rubbing your boxers nose in its own defecate. Your dog can only pick up on your behavior, not your words.

Intentionally or unintentionally, your dog will responding to your own behavior, and therefore will respond in kind. This rule never, EVER fails.

In other words, your dog will simply will pick up on your energy and return that same energy to you. What you're going for here is mutual respect between you and your pet. Dogs, particularly boxers, are very sensitive to the energy that you're putting out. You MUST stay calm and in command of your emotions at ALL times.

Would you believe that I NEVER have to raise my voice to get my boxer to follow my command? It's so true. I make sure that I am calm and in command, and only then do I proceed with my goal. This works technique so well, that, when you focus on a specific training goal, for example on keeping your puppy from eating it's own poop,

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