Diet and Nutrition

Dog Food Comparison

Dog Food Comparisons When wanting the best for your pet, people can be torn as to which is the best option of food for their dog, two of the main points considered are natural food or commercial food, and which is best. The food your dog eats w...

Keeping Your Dog Fed Right This Winter

Just like humans, dogs too put on 'winter weight'. The combination of not being able to go outside as often due to bad weather conditions, more treats (especially with the holidays) and the fact that dogs, like all animals, need more calories i...

An Eye - Opener on Golden Retriever Food

If you are looking for tips on golden retriever food and feeding, you have come to the right page. Here you will find short but direct pointers regarding your concern. My retriever and I have been together for 7 years and I am not proud to say...

What to Feed Your Dog

When you check out the food section at your supermarket or pet store, you will probably be overwhelmed. There are so many different brands, formulas, flavors, and types of food that it's hard to know where to begin. Use the following informati...

Nutritional Needs: Making Your Dog Healthy

Dog food manufacturers spend millions of dollars testing and determining optimum levels of nutrients for dogs in different life phases. Theoretically, you can provide your dog with the same nutrition he gets from commercial dog food, but It's ...

Hypoallergenic Dog Food for Your Sensitive Dog

Hypoallergenic dog food may be the best gift you can give your dog. If your dog exhibits vomiting, diarrhea, skin problems such as itching, scratching or in some cases self-mutilation, it could be the result of inferior food. There are many do...

Food for Dog With Allergies

No two dogs are the same. For that reason, it isn't easy to determine what may be a food allergy and what is not. Some of the common allergens are grains such as soy, corn and rye. There are proteins that also give dogs some grief in the dog f...

Diabetic Dog Food

When your dog is diagnosed with diabetes, it can be almost as traumatic as being diagnosed yourself. Your veterinarian is your source of information and medication. Two of the most important things to consider are your dog's diet and medicatio...

Have You Changed Your Pet's Food Lately?

Are you in the habit of buying commercial pet food? Did you know that the majority of pet foods on the market are processed with second-grade ingredients, fillers, artificial flavorings, toxins, and additives? What is the alternative? Many of ...

The Benefits Of Organic Dog Foods

Organic products have been gaining popularity in the human food market and it only makes sense that they would be moving into the pet food industry as well. In order to be considered a true organic the food must be grown without the use of her...